Sacred Resolution ... Begins Now

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Sacred Resolution.mp3

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Permanent Sacred RESOLUTION
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If You need more "in-form-at-ion" words read on ... or message me at

The Miraculous Art of Sacred Release: Sacred Resolution!

There is Nothing like this on the planet!

"Energy Clearing" has become a big thing for so many people. Especially those who lack the ability to self regulate and ground their own Energy. And while "energy clearing" may help you temporarily feel a bit lighter and more centered, it simply cannot access nor impact the CAUSE behind your imbalances.

I was on an "energy healing" call recently that really brought this topic front and center to my attention, so I absolutely had to share it with You! 

If You "get" this, it will save you Years and even Lifetimes of struggle and suffering.

On this call, the well intentioned (and very popular) healing practitioner was calling in all the Angels, all the Ascended Masters, all the Healing Guides and Guardians and even the Higher Self of each person ... as she was calling them all in and commanding and demanding that all these Support Beings to take away all of their problems, stresses, worries, ailments, fears, suffering, etc... washing away and "clearing" all the "bad energy." Cleansing and replacing it with "good energy." It kind of made me want to puke listening to all of this nonsense ... it went on and on and on ... its all she had. 

I was like ... "WHAT? Really? You think this is supporting? You actually get paid for this? Wow do I have a lot of Truth to Reveal!"

Here's just a few words ...

 "Bad" Energy and really any-kind-of-Energy You feel and experience is the Replication of an unconscious Program that your conscious mind does not have access to ... You simply cannot clear the surface and resolve the problem! 

And ...The Angels and Ascended Masters DO NOT have the Authority to Remove these Programs. As they are here to Support You in the Healing and Whole-ing Purpose for Your Life, Your Ancestry, and the Earth Mother Herself - which you can only do through RESOLVING Your SC's!!

These Positions or shall I say SUPER-Positions Live within Your Soul ... which is where ALL "issues" are held. They are what I call Soul Constellations, and they are fully operational in your life. They create every limitation, every blind spot, every traumatic event, every thing in your life experience. 

For a Purpose.

They cannot be "cleared away" ... not even by the Angels, Ascended Masters, etc... 


This is actually why You are here. It IS Your Ultimate Life Purpose.

Here's the Difference between "Clearing" and RESOLVING:

CLEARING: "Energy Clearing" is airy-fairy nonsense, low-impact, temporary at best, superficial ... a bandaid that falls off. It temporarily clears the energy in your auric field surrounding your body. It does not and cannot go deeper than the Auric Field. It has ZERO Ability to Change or Resolve the Cause of the "Negative Energy" ... this is why so many untrained, well meaning Healers are doing so many "energy clearings" ...  All of which do NOTHING to RESOLVE the Underlying hidden problem WITHIN YOU ...that your mind does not have access to! 

How does it make you feel lighter/better in the moment after an energy clearing? 

Simply: Connection, and Movement of superficial and usually stagnant energy in your aura. Which You can do on your own with just a few moments: of breathing, coming into the Present Moment, calling a loving friend, walking in nature, sharing a cup of tea, journaling, lighting a candle, taking a bath, exercise, playing with children, listening to a meditation, music, etc...

While an energy clearing may help you feel a little lighter in the moment, it does not and cannot access nor impact the CAUSE of your imbalance/ Problem/ nor can it help you to Resolve what is causing your suffering. SO yes, it's a potentially addictive Band aid that falls off, and sparks the very real "need" for more. And while I do agree that an "energy cleanse" can and usually does temporarily lighten the mental energy you are holding around your troubles ... Problem is ... it cannot (seriously not EVER) access and RESOLVE the Cause and it's very real repeating Impacts.

(The Cause is Living within Your Soul, replicating through your DNA/RNA and creating Your Body and Body of Experience ... including your superficial auric field -the superficial energy that surrounds your body that energy healers "clear"... Unfortunately this cannot address nor access the Causal Pattern in Your Soul, as it requires a very Specific and Unique Love Resolution that not only impacts your entire life, it also resolves and heals your Ancestral line! *hint: THIS is Actually Why You are Here in this Body!)

RESOLVING: The Miraculous Art of Accessing, Tracking, and Loving FREE the Soul Constellation Patterns You Incarnated to RESOLVE, not just for You ... also for Your Ancestry, all the way back to the beginning of "time!" This produces Permanent Life Transforming Liberation from the experieces that were habitual in your life and family. It comprehensively Liberates Your Life from patterns of Choices, Experiences, Pain, Suffering, Lack, Loss, Fear, etc... Liberation from repeating patterns, thoughts, ways of being, ways of living, disposition, etc, etc, etc...

Resolution that is Permanent.

Your Life is Renewed, In-Lightened at greater and greater levels in ongoing ways!

IN this Sacred Release RESOLUTION Service:

This is for You if You are feeling like you need a Serious "cord cutting" with certain people, habitual annoyance and upset, troublesome areas of life, difficult situations that repeat, difficult relationships that cause you to suffer... This is Bringing in the Big Guns to Finally RESOLVE what has kept you attached to darkness/ hijack/ suffering /annoyance / upset/ poverty/ negative impact, etc... so there in no longer any need to think about or relive the suffering that has been before now. This is Freedom.

In Sacred Release and RESOLUTION You will Receive:

  • My Powerful Direct Silent All Encompassing Supernatural Support.
  • Sacred RESOLUTION Transmission Video that is Specifically Encoded for You to Provide Permanent RESOLUTION of Unresolved Trauma, Destructive Karmic Ties, Unconscious Baggage, dark connections to the unseen realms of suffering, Ready in this life to RESOLVE, from the ancestral, astral, and causal realms.
  • Silent 3 day Provision Portal of Deep Stabilizing Support, Recalibration and Integration of more of You! 

It's time to Step Into YOUR NEW LIFE ... LIBERATED from Suffering ... Where YOU Emerge Anew ... Beyond Your Wildest Imaginings ... 

Renewed . Liberated . Free .

Where You will be Held Safely as you RE-SOLVE ... 

You will Be Supernaturally Supported by High Level Awakened Ancestral Beings in Your Lineage, in partnership with Your Own Spirit, and As We Unite at the Level of Our Spirit and Soul to track and Permanently RESOLVE what is Necessary Now. 

So You Can Go Free.

 This is the Appointed Time... Forever RESOLVING that which has blocked you, kept you in limbo, eclipsed your power, hijacked your essence, Obscured Your Truth, and kept you from Moving On to YOUR JOY!

 If You are here ... You are Ready to EVOLVE BEYOND all of this!

 This is the End of Suffering at the Next Level ... 

Never offered before Now.  

There is a Divine Timing, and Opening for this Sacred RESOLUTION to happen Now. 

There are significant Universal, Cosmic, and Divine factors that are at play in the creation of this Event.

You can actually RESOLVE past-life Karma, Baggage, Debris, and Numerous Attachments through this Transmission. 

There is Way More UP for RESOLUTION than You can comprehend or imagine ... What you may be aware of is likely only the "tip of the iceberg" Which You will see and experience on the other side of Sacred RESOLUTION. Things Will Change.

This is what is Offered here.

You can be LIBERATED into the Life Potentials awaiting You ...  to really step into the Life WE are DESTINED to Live ... 

This Truly is a Miraculous Art/Science of Supernatural RESOLUTION

 We are given a Divine Dispensation of Grace ... Grace that takes over and allows the dissolution of hidden blocks in the Actual Soul Blueprint, which is responsible for the creation and manifestation of all limitations and mis-perceptions in your life. 

There is a huge difference between simply letting go of the things you are aware are blocking you, and 

It's another thing entirely to BE in SOUL Level Sacred RESOLVE.

When we Resolve, we no longer carry the burden of the attachment. 

As You Release within this Sacred Space, Your Life will certainly and radically change ... 

You are here for Miracles ... beyond what you now see, feel, or even imagine.

I am here to support You in Awakening Beyond your current reality through the MIRACLE of Sacred Release.

This is the Sacred Appointed Time!

Here with You in Love and Devotion ...


*Jyoti Amma Sophia is a Natural Born Miracle Healer who was Born Living her Gifts, and Lives in Love, Devotion, and Service of her Life's Purpose, (and she couldn't even stop this work if she tried!)
Permanent Sacred RESOLUTION
Your Name(s) and Birthdate(s) birth location + time if you have
You can also pay through VENMO@Miracle-Mama (5683) 

With a US Account 

Single $3333    *    Couple $5555    *    You + Other $5555    *    *       *  Family (3-4) $7777.  *    Message me for larger Families

We Are Here to support You in Sacred RESOLUTION!

Invite Your Beloveds and SHARE this Rare Opportunity to Receive and TRANSFORM through Sacred RESOLUTION ...  

Our Hearts are Calling Us ... to Gather and Embody Our Magic 


SUPERNATURAL Transmission and Miracle Deep Dive Support with Jyoti Amma Sophia as Your Loving Master Healer and Guide*

This Transmission will catapult Your Life into Wild Abundance, Freedom, Liberation, Magic and Miracles!

Naturally and Systematically RESOLVING what has limited and held you back the most!

**I had to experience a terrorizing tremendously Dark experience to be able to OFFER THIS TO YOU NOW! 

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